7 good reasons why you should filter your drinking water

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7 Reasons why you should filter your drinking water


We all know that we need to drink lots of water, but did you know that not all water is created equal? If you pay attention to the news, you’ll hear about all sorts of things that can get into the water. Although water authorities regulate the quality of tap water it pays to be vigilant. The most common concerns about water ‘on-tap’ from your local utility are:

CHLORINE: Chlorine is put into water supplies to kill bacteria and other pathogens. Indeed, it is necessary to do so to provide an ongoing supply of disease-free water. However, chlorine causes drinking water to have an unpleasant taste and smell and has been linked to cancer and heart disease. Carbon filters will reduce chlorine and its associated taste and odor as well as giving you good, fresh tasting water. Carbon filters will also enhance the flavor of food, tea, coffee, and other beverages.

TASTE AND ODOUR: Unpleasant tastes and odors can be caused by a variety of conditions. Chlorine is the most common cause but other factors such as high mineral content and decaying organic matter (most common in cul-de-sac sites on municipal supplies and in tank water). Generally, carbon filters will improve this condition but sometimes a reverse osmosis purifier and/or ultraviolet sterilizer will be required.

SEDIMENT: Sediment is usually only a problem in tank or creek water supplies or in areas where the municipal supply lines are very old. Pre-filtration in point of use purifiers will normally take care of this problem. Installation of a whole of house sediment reduction filter may be necessary for some circumstances.

HEAVY METALS AND DISSOLVED SOLIDS: A cocktail of heavy metals and dissolved solids can be present in your water supply. Combinations of aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, sulfates, nitrates, lime, and other compounds can be present and dangerous to your health. A Reverse Osmosis purifier will reduce the amount of these contaminants.

CRYPTOSPORIDIUM AND GIARDIA: Cryptosporidium and Giardia may be present in any of our water supplies. These protozoan cysts are resistant to the traditional chlorine disinfection and are not killed by ultraviolet sterilization. Symptoms of infection are stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and headaches. Symptoms can last up to 2 weeks until the body’s immune system defenses take effect. Cryptosporidium and Giardia can be removed from water by ultra-fine carbon filtration.

CHEMICALS: Chlorination of water creates the presence of other chemicals as by-products, these include trichloromethane and chloroform. Other chemicals including fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides may be present from industrial and agricultural run-offs. Most of these chemicals can be sufficiently reduced by carbon filtration or reverse osmosis.

BACTERIA: Bacteria can be a problem especially in the tank or creek water supplies. Clean, clear, good tasting water is not an indication of bacteria-free water. An ultraviolet filter, complete with sediment and chemical reduction filters will provide good quality drinking water from these sources.

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